Saturday, March 21, 2020

Modern Casio Graphing Calculators: Function Memory

Modern Casio Graphing Calculators: Function Memory

This blog covers all the series:
*  Casio fx-7400gii (I don't believe earlier versions of the 7400 have this)
*  Casio fx-9750g, fx-9750gii
*  Casio fx-9860g, fx-9860gii, fx-9860 Slim
*  Casio Prizm fx-CG10/20
*  Casio fx-CG 50

Screenshots are from the fx-CG 50.

Note:  Casio calculators with math print (9860, CG 10, CG 20, CG 50), the menu FMEM/FUNCMEM will only appear when the calculator is set to Line Mode.   In any case, the commands will be always available throughout the Catalog and in Program editing mode. 

Menu names:  FMEM or FUNCMEM


The calculator has 20 slots for function memory.  They can be for any variable, any amount of variables.   To access the FMEM (FUNCMEM for the fx-CG 10, fx-CG 20, and fx-CG 50) menu:  press [OPTN].  Please refer to the note above because this menu only appears in Line mode.  (although you still can access fn in the catalog).

You can store expressions to function memory one of two ways:

1.  Use a string and use the store arrow (→).

2.  From the FMEM/FUNCMEM menu, select STORE.  You will be prompted to enter a slot from 1 to 20.  Then you will be taken the list of all the functions stored in memory.  Press [EXIT].

You can clear an expression stored in fn, by storing nothing to it.  It is easiest to do this from the RUN.MAT mode.

You can paste the expression stored in fn by pressing RECALL, and entering the fn number at the prompt.  I think you can only do this in RUN.MAT mode.

Anything stored in fn can be used in evaluating expressions and mathematical commands.   See the screen shots below.  To evaluate fn, store the values in the variables first before recalling fn. 

The next screen shots show how fn can be stored in a graphing database (assuming it has the proper variables and type).

Hopefully you can find this helpful and it makes the use of Casio graphing calculators more efficient. 


All original content copyright, © 2011-2020.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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