Saturday, December 18, 2021

Casio fx-CP400: Complex Numbered Graphs Using 3D Parametric Graphing Part II

Casio fx-CP400: Complex Numbered Graphs Using 3D Parametric Graphing Part II


Note:  The procedure listed on today's post also applies to the Casio fx-CG 50 and fx-CG 500.  Since this involves the 3D Parametric Graphing mode, I don't think it will work on the ClassPad 300 or 330.

Here is a way to display complex-number functions: the use of 3D parametric graphing.   The general form will be:

x(s, t) = real(f(w)),   the real part of f(w)

y(s, t) = imag(f(w)),  the imaginary part of f(w)

z(s, t) = 0

where w = s + t*i,  i = √-1

The view window was set to:

angle Θ: -09

angle Φ: 0

Please keep in mind, the graph displayed will be the results, or the range, of f(w);

(s + t*i) ->  (x + y*i) = f(s + t*i)

To see s and t, execute Trace mode.  Read x and y for the real and imaginary part of the result.

For more details, please see last week's (12/11/2021) post.  


w = s + t*i,   x = real(f(w)), y = imag(f(w)), z = 0, Radians mode selected

Example 1:

f(w) = 2^w

x = 2^s * cos(t * ln 2)

y = 2^s * sin(t * ln 2)

z = 0

Example 2:

f(w) = w^(1/2) = e^(1/2 * ln w)

x = re((s + t*i)^0.5)

y = im((s + t*i)^0.5)

z = 0

Example 3:  

f(w) = w^3 + 1

x = s^3 - 3*s*t^2 + 1

y = -t^3 + 3*s^2*t

z = 0

Example 4:

f(w) = 2 * cos(w/2)

x = 2 * cos(s/2) * cosh(t/2)

y = -2 * sin(s/2) * sinh(t/2)

z = 0


All original content copyright, © 2011-2021.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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