Sunday, March 13, 2022

Casio fx-CG 50: Parametric Regression

Casio fx-CG 50:  Parametric Regression


The program PARFIT2 attempts to pair data (x,y) using a pair of parametric equations [ x(t), y(t) ].   Each list of data will have its own curve.   

x(t), 1 ≤ t ≤ n

y(t), 1 ≤ t ≤ n

n = number of data points

Each point is assigned at t-value, which the program does automatically:

t = 1 refers to (x1, y1) → (t1, x1), (t1, y1)

t = 2 refers to (x2, y2) → (t2, x2), (t2, y2)

t = 3 refers to (x3, y3) → (t3, x3), (t3, y3)

and so on.

The program offers four regression types:

1.  Linear:  a + b*t

2.  Logarithm:  a + b*ln t

3.  Exponential:  a * b^t

4.  Power:  a * t^b

Variables used:

A = intercept for x(t)

B = slope for x(t)

R = correlation for x(t)

C = intercept for y(t)

D = slope for y(t)

S = correlation for y(t)

This allows for greater curve fitting control, which can accounts for different growth of the x data and y data, separately.

The program ends with a graph of the calculated parametric equation.  

Casio fx-CG 50 Program: PARTFIT


Locate 1,1,"PARAMETRIC"

Locate 1,2,"FIT - 2022"

Locate 1,3,"EWS"

For 1→I To 750: Next



"X DATA"?→List 1

"Y DATA"?→List 2

Seq(x,x,1,Dim List 1, 1)→List 3

Menu "X=","A+BT",1,"A+Bln T",2,"A×B^T",3,"A×T^B",4

Lbl 1

LinearReg(a+bx) List 3, List 1

a→A: b→B: r→R


Goto 5

Lbl 2

LogReg List 3, List 1

a→A: b→B: r→R

"A+B×ln T"→Xt1

Goto 5

Lbl 3

ExpReg(a∙b^x) List 3, List 1

a→A: b→B: r→R


Goto 5

Lbl 4

PowerReg List 3, List 1

a→A: b→B: r→R


Goto 5

Lbl 5

"A, B, CORR=" ◢

[ [ A ] [ B ] [ R ] ] ◢

Menu "Y=","C+DT",A,"C+Dln T",B,"C×D^T",C,"C×T^D",D

Lbl A

LinearReg(a+bx) List 2, List 1

a→C: b→D: r→S


Goto E

Lbl B

LogReg List 2, List 1

a→C: b→D: r→S

"C+D×ln T"→Yt1

Goto E

Lbl C

ExpReg(a∙b^x) List 3, List 1

a→C: b→D: r→S


Goto E

Lbl D

PowerReg List 3, List 1

a→C: b→D: r→S


Goto E

Lbl E

"C, D, CORR=" ◢

[ [ C ] [ D ] [ S ] ] ◢



Download the program here:


Example 1:


(100.0, 10.0)

(101.3, 20.0)

(103.0, 31.7)

(104.3, 42.9)

(105.6, 54.2)

(107.0, 65.6)

(110.0, 77.0)

Fit x to linear and y to exponential.


x(t) = 98.17142857 + 1.571428571*t,  corr = 0.9904886791

y(t) = 9.829695698 * 1.308085656^t, corr = 0.9639002639

Example 2:


(5.0, 0.41)

(2.9, 0.30)

(1.7, 0.20)

(0.9, 0.18)

(0.1, 0.12)

Fit x to logarithmic, y to power.


x(t) = 5.002357022 - 3.010299732 * ln t, corr = -0.9997066364

y(t) = 0.4487684406* t^-0.7312889362,  corr = -0.9684707132


All original content copyright, © 2011-2022.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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