Sunday, June 19, 2022

TI 84 Plus CE and HP 33S: Scaled Data for Statistics

TI 84 Plus CE and HP 33S:  Scaled Data for Statistics

Introduction and the Mathematics

The goal of the programs posted today is to take a data set of real numbers and scale it down to the range [1,10].  Why?  Sometimes scaling data by applying a linear transformation, it could make curve fitting and data analysis more accessible and open up regression analysis previously not available, such as logarithmic or power regression.   


max = maximum value of the data set

min = minimum  value of the data set


min * a + b = 1

max * a + b = 10

Solving for a and b:

a = 9/(max - min)

b = 1 - a * min = 10 - a * max

Apply this transformation to the data set to get:

x' = a*x + b

And to convert back:

x = (b - x')/a

TI-84 Plus CE Program:  DSCALE   (TI-Basic)


Input "XLIST: ",L5



Disp "FORMULA:","X'="+toString(A)+"X+"+toString(B)




Pause L6


L5:  List 5, used for input, [ 2nd ] [ 5 ]

L6:  List 6, used for output, [ 2nd ] [ 6 ]

HP 33S Programs

LBL Y:  determine A and B.  Stack:  Y:  max, X:  min

HP 33S Size:  LN = 72, CK = B830

Y0001  LBL Y

Y0002  -

Y0003  LASTx

Y0004  x<>y

Y0005  1/x

Y0006  9

Y0007  ×

Y0008  STO A

Y0009  VIEW A

Y0010  ×

Y0011  1

Y0012  x<>y

Y0013  -

Y0014  STO B

Y0015  VIEW B

Y0016  RTN

LBL X:  Calculate x'

HP 33S Size:  LN = 15, CK = 08B6

X0001  LBL X

X0002  RCL- B

X0003  RCL÷ A

X0004  STOP

X0005  GTO X    // this allows for repeated calculations by pressing R/S

LBL Z:  Calculate x

HP 33S Size: LN = 15, CK = 4552

Z0001  LBL Z

Z0002  RCL× A

Z0003  RCL+ B

Z0004  STOP

Z0005  GTO Z   // this allows for repeated calculations by pressing R/S


1.  Do this first:  max [ ENTER ] min [ XEQ ] Y  

2.  XEQ Z  to calculate X'.  XEQ X to calculate X'. 

X' = A * X + B


Data Set:  [-5, -3, 2, 3, 6]

max = 6

min = -5

(results are rounded to six decimal places)

a = 0.818182

b = 5.090909

Translated Data: 

x to x':

x = -5,  x' = 1.000000

x = -3,  x' = 2.636364

x = 2, x' = 6.727273

x = 3, x' = 7.545455

x = 6, x' = 10.000000

x' to x:

x' = 2.5, x = -3.16667

x' = 5,  x = -0.111111

x' = 7.5, x = 2.944444

Hope you find this helpful.  Next week is a retro review of the HP 33S Calculator, once abhorred now held as valuable.  


All original content copyright, © 2011-2022.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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