Thursday, July 14, 2022

TI-58/TI-59 Week: Hyperbolic Functions

 TI-58/TI-59 Week:  Hyperbolic Functions


The program listing sets up the soft keys as the following:

[ A ] :  calculate sinh

sinh x = (e^x - 1/e^x) / 2

[ 2nd ] ( A' ):  calculate arcsinh (principal branch)

arcsinh x = ln | x + √(x^2 + 1) |

[ B ]:  calculate cosh

cosh x = (e^x + 1/e^x) / 2

[ 2nd ] ( B' ): calculate arccosh (principal branch)

arccosh x = ln | x + √(x^2 - 1) |

[ C ]:  calculate tanh

tanh x = sinh x / cosh x = (e^x - e^(-x)) / (e^x + e^(-x))

[ 2nd ] ( C' ):  calculate arctanh

arctanh x = ln | √((x^2 + 1) / (1 - x)) |

R00 is used in calculation.  Note:  INV ln x, e^x

Program Listing

000 76 LBL   (sinh x)

001 11 A

002 53 (

003 22 INV

004 23 ln x  

005 42 STO

006 00 00

007 75 -

008 43 RCL

009 00 00

010 35 1/x

011 54 )

012 55 ÷

013 02 2

014 95 = 

015 92 INV SBR  (RTN)

016 76 LBL   (arcsinh x)

017 16 A'

018 42 STO

019 00 00

020 85 +

021 53 (

022 43 RCL

023 00 00

024 33 x^2

025 85 -

026 01 1

027 54 )

028 34 √

029 95 =

030 50 |x|

031 23 ln x

032 92 INV SBR

033 76 LBL (cosh x)

034 12 B

035 53 (

036 22 INV

037 23 ln x 

038 42 STO

039 39 00

040 85 +

041 43 RCL

042 00 00

043 35 1/x

044 54 )

045 55 ÷

046 02 2

047 95 =

048 92 INV SBR

049 76 LBL (arccosh x)

050 17 B'

051 42 STO

052 00 00

053 85 +

054 53 (

055 43 RCL

056 00 00

057 33 x^2

058 75 -

059 01 1

060 54 )

061 34 √

062 95 =

063 50 |x|

064 23 ln x

065 92 INV SBR

066 76 LBL (tanh x)

067 13 C

068 53 (

069 22 INV

070 23 ln x

071 42 STO

072 00 00

073 75 -

074 43 RCL

075 00 00

076 35 1/x

077 54 )

078 55 ÷

079 53 (

080 43 RCL

081 00 00

082 85 +

083 43 RCL

084 00 00

085 35 1/x

086 54 )

087 95 =

088 92 INV SBR

089 76 LBL (arctahn x)

090 18 C'

091 53 (

092 42 STO

093 00 00

094 85 +

095 01 1

096 54 )

097 55 ÷

098 53 (

099 01 1

100 75 -

101 43 RCL

102 00 00

103 54 )

104 95 =

105 34 √

106 50 |x|

107 23 ln x

108 92 INV SBR


sinh 3.96;  3.96 [ A ] returns 26.21913142

arcsinh 40;  40 [ 2nd ] (A') returns 4.382182848

cosh -2.22;  -2.22 [ B ] returns 4.657969987

arccosh 100:  100 [ 2nd ] (B') returns 5.298292366

tanh 0.58:  0.58 [ C ] returns 0.5226654297

arctanh 0.96:  0.96 [ 2nd ] (C') returns 1.94591014906


All original content copyright, © 2011-2022.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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