Wednesday, July 13, 2022

TI-58/TI-59 Week: Adding Machine

TI-58/TI-59 Week:  Adding Machine


Turn your TI-58 and TI-59 into an adding machine, which uses register R00 as the accumulator. 

The soft keys do the following functions:

[ A ]:  Clear the accumulator

[ B ]:  Add [ + ]

[ +/- ] B:  Subtract [ - ]

[ C ]:  Multiply [ × ]

[ 1/x  ] [ C ]:  Divide [ ÷ ]

[ D ]:  Add % 

[ E ]:  Recall the accumulator

Program Listing

000 76 LBL

001 11 A

002 00 0

003 42 STO

004 00 00

005 92 INV SBR (RTN)

006 76 LBL

007 12 B

008 44 SUM

009 00 00

010 61 GTO

011 15 E

012 76 LBL

013 13 C

014 49 Prd

015 00 00

016 61 GTO

017 15 E

018 76 LBL

019 14 D

020 55 ÷

021 01 1

022 00 0

023 00 0

024 65 ×

025 43 RCL

026 00 00

027 95 =

028 44 SUM

029 00 00

030 61 GTO

031 15 E

032 76 LBL

033 15 E

034 43 RCL

035 00 00

036 92 INV SBR (RTN)


Clear the Register:  [ A ]

Add 15:  15 [ B ]   (Result:  15)

Add 30:  30 [ B ]   (Result:  45)

Triple:  3 [ C ]   (Result:  135)

20% Discount:  20 [ +/- ] [ D ]  (Result:  108)

Halve:  2 [ 1/x ] [ C ] (Result:  54)

Subtract 30:  30 [ +/- ] [ B ]  (Result:  24)

Add 50%:  50 [ D ]  (Result: 36)

Recall the register:  [ E ]  (Result:  36)

Enjoy the accumulator.  


All original content copyright, © 2011-2022.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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