Saturday, January 26, 2013

Speed Test - Casio Calculators

Hi everyone! Today I am blogging from home.

Last time I posted a speed test for various Texas Instruments, which you can go to by clicking on this link.

For each calculator, I timed how long does the calculator take until it "counts down" from 2013 to 0. I ran the program on each calculator twice.

The Program TEST2013

2013 → A
Lbl 1
A - 1 → A
A > 0 ⇒ Goto 1 : 1

The program returns 1 when completed.

For the Casio ClassPad 330, I had to modify the program a bit, as the ⇒ symbol means "store" (instead of "jump") for the ClassPad.

TEST2013 for ClassPad 330:
2013 ⇒ a
Lbl one
a - 1 ⇒ a
If a > 0
Goto one


I will start from the oldest made model. Thanks to and Wikipedia for the dates.

fx-7000GA (1990): 31.11 sec, 30.89 sec
(The fx-7000GA is as close to the original 7000G as I will probably get).

fx-6300G (1991): 38.91 sec, 38.90 sec

CFX-9850G (1997): 28.58 sec, 28.00 sec

fx-9750G Plus (2002): 28.50 sec, 28.44 sec

fx-3650P (2002) Solar Powered: 3 min 6 sec, 3 min 6.31 sec

ClassPad 330, Operating System 3.04.4000 (2007): 35.89 sec, 36.01 sec

Prizm (fx-CG 10) (2010), Operating System 1.04.3200 : 9.53 sec, 9.44 sec
(I am very happy with this!)

Note that the fx-3650P is a solar powered-calcualtor. I had no idea that this model was released in 2002. I had to get it from eBay, as it is not sold in stores in the United States.

I did not test any of the modern fx-9860g family (GII, Slim, etc...), but I guess that these calculators are fast of the Prizm. From these results, it is apparent that Casio knows how to maximize their processor speed.

Next time I will review the calculator app MyScript. Until next time,


This blog is property of Edward Shore. 2013

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