The next four posts will have programs for the PCalc iOS app and the HP 50g calculator. English/U.S. Units (feet/miles, pounds, seconds) will be used instead of SI units (meters/kilometers, kilograms, seconds).
The Universal Gravitational Constant is:
SI Units:
G = 6.67384 x 10^-11 m^3/(s^2 kg)
English Units:
G = 1.06904661604 x 10^-9 ft^3/(s^2 lb)
PCalc Program: Escape Velocity (in mi/sec)
G = 1.06904661604 x 10^-9 ft^3/(s^2 lb)
Y: mass (in pounds)
X: distance or radius (in miles)
Y: mass (in pounds)
X: escape velocity (mi/sec)
Decimal Mode
Multiply X By 5280
Invert X
Multiply X By Y
Multiply X By 2
Multiply X By 1.0690441604e-9
X To Power of 0.5
Divide X By 5280
Y: 1.3170e25 lbs (Mass of Earth)
X: 3,959 mi (radius of Earth)
Y: 1.3170e25
X: 6.9512
Escape Velocity: 6.9512 mi/sec
HP 50g: Escape Velocity:
2: mass in pounds
1: distance in miles
1: escape velocity in mi/sec
Program ESCVEL
<< 5280 * INV * 2 * 1.0690441604E-9 * √ 5280 / >>
This blog is property of Edward Shore. 2014
A blog is that is all about mathematics and calculators, two of my passions in life.
Friday, May 23, 2014
PCalc and HP 50G: Escape Velocity
Spotlight: Calculated Industries QR Calc
Spotlight: Calculated Industries QR Calc <Title> Quick Facts Model: 3375 Name: QR Calc Company: Calculated Industries ...