Thursday, February 28, 2019

HP 12C: ARM Term if Renewed

HP 12C:  ARM Term if Renewed


Situation:  An ARM Mortgage has one rate adjustment.  The mortgage calls for the payment to remain the same for the entire mortgage, even after the rate adjustment.  How long will it take to pay off the mortgage?  Specifically, how long will it take after the rate is adjusted (ARM term)? 

Example 1:

Original term: 30 years ( n = 360 )
Interest rate: 6%  ( i = 6/12 )
The interest rate scheduled to increase 0.25% in 4 years.

HP 12C Procedure

Any loan amount will do for this problem.  We'll use $1 for the loan amount in this example since we're only concerned with the ARM term.


(FIX 4 is set)

1.  Find the payment of the original mortgage.

Clear Finance Registers:   [ f ] [ x<>y ] (CLEAR FIN)
1 [ PV ]
30 [ g ] (12x) [ n ]
6 [ g ] (12÷) [ i ]
[PMT]   (Result:  -0.0060)

2.  Determine the balance of the mortgage at the date when the mortgage is adjusted (4 years).

4 [ g ] (12x) [ n ]
[ FV ]  (Result:  -0.9461)

3.  Transfer the balance to the new mortgage amount and enter the adjusted mortgage rate.

[CHS] [ PV ]
0 [ FV ]
[RCL] [ i ] 0.25 [ENTER] 12 [ ÷ ] [ + ] [ i ]
[ n ] (Result:  333.0000)

If the payment is kept the same, it would take another 333 payments to pay off the mortgage.  The ARM Term is 333.

The total time it takes to pay the mortgage is:

Pre-Adjustment Term + ARM Term

In this case, 381 payments (48 + 333).

The program presented here will calculate the ARM term.  This makes the assumption that the mortgage is only adjusted one time during its entire life.  This is similar to looking up the financial table ARM Term If Renewed Table (refer to source).

HP 12C Program:  ARM Term if Renewed


01  1      
02  PV
03  0
04  FV
05  PMT
06  RCL 1 
07  n
08  FV
09  CHS
10  PV
11  0
12  FV
13  RCL i
14  RCL 2
15  +
16  i 
17  n
18 GTO 00   (HP 12C Platinum: GTO 000)

Key Codes:

01  1
02  13
03  0
04  15
05  14
06  45, 1
07  11
08  15
09  16
10  13
11  0
12  15
13  45, 12
14  45, 2
15  40
16  12
17  11
18  43, 33, 00  (HP 12C Platinum:  43, 33, 000)


Store the original number of periods in [ n ]
Store the original periodic interest rate in [ i ]
Store the number of months before the rate adjusts in R1.
Store the periodic adjustment (±r%) in R2.
Press [ R/S ]


Original term: 35 years
Original rate: 4.5%
The rate is adjusts +0.3% in 5 years.

35 [ g ] [ n ] (12x)
4.5 [ g ] [ i ] (12÷)
5 [ENTER] 12 [ x ] [STO] 1
0.3 [ENTER] 12 [ ÷ ] [STO] 2
[ R/S ]

Result:  391

The ARM term is 391 months.


Lincoln Title Company "Financial Conventional and ARM Payment Tables" Publication No. 493. Special Edition.  Financial Publishing Company: Boston, MA. May 1985 ISBN 0-87600-493-1


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

HP Prime and HP 42S: Mathematical Pixel Art

HP Prime and HP 42S: Mathematical Pixel Art

HP Prime 

Blue Diamond

Prime Pixel - Tree Trunk
Yin Yang

HP 42S/DM 42/Free42


Screenshots from Free42:

Cat Pixel

Dog Pixel

Pisces Pixel

Question Block Pixel

The code for these files are here:


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

HP Prime: Determining the Date For a Phase of Earth's Moon

HP Prime:  Determining the Date For a Phase of Earth's Moon


The program MOONDATE determines when a desired phase of Earth's moon given month and year.  The four phases of the moon available are:

New Moon  (0.00)
1st Quarter (0.25)
Full Moon (0.50)
3rd Quarter (0.75)

The following equations are used:

Let  y = year, m = month, t = type (see the above)

y' = y + (m -1)/12
k = integer( (y - 2000) * 12.3685) + t/4
t = k/1236.85

J = 2451550.09765 + 29.530588853 * k + (1.337 * 10^-4) * t^2 - (1.5 * 10^-7) *t^3 + (7.3 * 10^-10) * t^4

J is the Julian Date and will need to be converted to the Gregorian Date.  With the DATE+ function, the HP Prime makes this easy.  Look to Dieter's post on this thread for details, link:

Caution:  This program is designed to work with all dates after January 1, 2000.  If you choose any dates before, you may have to adjust the month

HP Prime Program MOONDATE

// EWS 2019-02-19
LOCAL P,Y,K,M,T,l,c,s;
l:={"New","First Qtr","Full",
"Third Qtr"};
"Moon Phase Date",
{"Year: ","Month:","Stage:"});

UNTIL D≥(Y+M/100);


Note:  You can use an alternate of 1/1/2000 (date code 2000.0101) with corresponding Julian Date 2451545.


January 2019:
New:  2019.0105 (1/5/2019)
1st Qtr: 2019.0113 (1/13/2019)
Full: 2019.0120 (1/20/2019)
3rd Qtr: 2019.0127 (1/27/2019)

Meeus, Jean.  "Astronomical Algorithms"  Willmann-Bell, Inc.:  Richmond, VA  1991  ISBN 0-943396-35-2


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

HP 42S/DM 42/Free42: Function Table

HP 42S/DM 42/Free42: Function Table


The program FTAB uses the function defined in FX, with variable “X” to generate a 2 column matrix of f(X). The matrix is stored in variable MATS. The program ends with MATS in edit mode, so you see all the points generated. Use the soft key [ → ] to view the entries.

Setting up FX

To set up the function FX, the program needs to be in the following format:

00 {nnn-Byte Prgm}
01 LBL “FX”
02 MVAR “X”
03 f(X) starts here, use RCL “X” for X
nn-1 RTN
nn END

HP 42S Program FTAB
HP 42S, DM 42, Free42

00 { 99-Byte Prgm }
02 "X Start:"
04 STO 01
05 "X Step:"
07 STO 02
08 "# Steps:"
10 STO 03
11 1
12 -
13 1ᴇ3
14 ÷
15 STO 04
16 RCL 03
17 2
20▸LBL 00
21 RCL 01
22 RCL 04
23 IP
24 RCL× 02
25 +
26 STO "X"
28 J+
29 XEQ "FX"
31 J-
32 I+
33 ISG 04
34 GTO 00
36 .END.


f(x) = x^2 * e^x

00 { 18-Byte Prgm }
01▸LBL "FX"
02 MVAR "X"
03 RCL "X"
05 X↑2
06 X<>Y
07 E↑X
08 ×
09 RTN
10 .END.

X Start: 0
X Step: 0.1
# Steps: 10

Result Matrix MATS:

MATF= [ 10x2 Matrix ]
1:1= 0.0000
1:2= 0.0000
2:1= 0.1000
2:2= 0.0111
3:1= 0.2000
3:2= 0.0489
4:1= 0.3000
4:2= 0.1215
5:1= 0.4000
5:2= 0.2387
6:1= 0.5000
6:2= 0.4122
7:1= 0.6000
7:2= 0.6560
8:1= 0.7000
8:2= 0.9867
9:1= 0.8000
9:2= 1.4243
10:1= 0.9000
10:2= 1.9923

Matrix (row:column)


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

HP Prime and TI-86: Minimum Vertical Curve Length

HP Prime and TI-86: Minimum Vertical Curve Length


The program MVCL calculates the minimum vertical curve length for sight distances for crest curves (curve that rises then falls) and sag curves (curves that falls than rises). The equations used were determined by the AASHTO (American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials of Washington, D.C.).

HP Prime Program MVCL

// Minimum stop speed
LOCAL g1,g2,a,c,l,s,g;

MSGBOX("Break = 2.5 s,
 Decel = 11.2 ft/s^2");

LOCAL l1:={15,20,25,30,35,40,45,

LOCAL l2:={80,115,155,200,250,



IF s < l

IF s < g

PRINT("Stop speed (ft)");
PRINT("Crest curve: "+l);
PRINT("Sag curve: "+g);


TI-86 Program MVCL
(744 bytes)

Input “GRADE %1:”, G1
Input “GRADE %2:”, G2
abs(G2-G1) → A
Disp “Break time = 2.5s”, “Decl. = 11.2 ft/s²”,
Car Speed?”,”(mph)”


Lbl A : 80 → S : Goto Z
Lbl B : 115 → S : Goto Z
Lbl C : 155 → S : Goto Z
Lbl D : 200 → S : Goto Z
Lbl E : 250 → S : Goto Z
Lbl F : 305 → S : Goto Z
Lbl G : 360 → S : Goto Z
Lbl H : 425 → S : Goto Z
Lbl I : 495 → S : Goto Z
Lbl J : 570 → S : Goto Z
Lbl K : 645 → S : Goto Z
Lbl L : 730 → S : Goto Z
Lbl M : 820 → S : Goto Z
Lbl N : 910 → S : Goto Z

Lbl Z
Disp “Stop speed (ft)”, “crest curve:”
2 * S – 2158 / A → L
If S > L
Disp L
A * S² / 2158 → L
Disp L
Disp “sag curve:”
2 * S – (400 + 3.5 * S) / A → G
If S > G
Disp G
(A * S²) / (400 + 3.5 * S) → G
Disp G


Example 1:
Grade 1: -1.75%
Grade 2: 2.25%
Design Speed: 40 mph

Minimum Vertical Curve Length
Crest Curve: 70.5 ft
Sag Curve: 243.125 ft

Example 2:
Grade 1: -1%
Grade 2: 1.7%
Design Speed: 50 mph

Minimum Vertical Curve Length
Crest Curve: 50.740740741 ft
Sag Curve: 150.925925926 ft


Michael R. Lindberg, PE “Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam” 11th Ed. Professional Publications, Inc: Belmont, CA. 2008. ISBN 13-978-1-59126-192-2


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

Friday, February 15, 2019

TI-86: Sequence Graphing

TI-86: Sequence Graphing

The program Sequen86 plots one recursive sequence with one initial condition. The function is stored in variable y1, with x presenting y1(n-1). The initial condition is assumed to be y1(1).

This program was originally posted on on April 28, 2001. Link:

18 years, wow, how time flies.

TI-86 Program Sequen86
(354 bytes)

Outpt(6,1,”Let y1 = u”)
Outpt(7,1,”Let x = n-1”)
InpSt “y1 =”, Y
Input “Initial Cond: “,I
Input “# of Steps: “,S
{I} → U
For(N, dimL U+1, S+1, 1)
y1(U(N-1)) → U(N)
seq(x,x,1,S+1) → L1
U → L2
0 → xMin
S+1 → xMax
min(U) – 1 → yMin
max(U) + 1 → yMax
FnOff 1
Disp “L1 = n”
Pause “L2 = u”


u(n) = u(n-1)/3 + 1/4
Initial condition, u(1) = 1/5
Number of Steps: 10

Set up for Sequen86:
y1 = x/3 + 1/4

The 2019 Version

Here is an alternate version, SEQGRAPH. Use U for U(n-1) and N for n. The program allows the initial condition for any value of N.

TI-86 Program SEQGRAPH
(277 bytes)

InpSt “U1(U,N) = “,S1
Input “N Start = “,N
Input “U0 = “,U
Input “Steps: “,S
S + 1 → dimL xList
S + 1 → dimL yList
N → xList(1)
U → yList(1)
For(I, 2, S+1)
xList(I-1) + 1 → N
N → xList(I)
yList(I-1) → U
U1 → yList(I)
PlOn 1


u(n) = u(n-1)/3 + 1/4
Initial condition, u(1) = 1/5
Number of Steps: 10

Set up for SEQGRAPH:
U1 = U/3 + 1/4
N Start: 1
U0 = 1/5 (initial condition)


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

TI-86: Angle Between Vectors, Vandermonde Matrix, Least Squares Algorithm, Chebyshev Polynomials (1st Kind)

TI-86: Angle Between Vectors, Vandermonde Matrix, Least Squares Algorithm, Chebyshev Polynomials (1st Kind)

The TI-86 has one of the best interfaces for a graphing calculator I ever had the joy to work with. The TI-86 is an update of the TI-85. Here are some programs for the TI-86.

Angle Between Vectors

The program vangle calculates the angle between two angles. The angle is calculated in degrees.

TI-86 Program vangle
(75 bytes)

Prompt V1
Prompt V2
Disp cos⁻¹ (dot(V1,V2)/(norm V1*V2))

Example: [2, -3, 4] and [8, 1, -2]
Angle: 83.5823268926°

Vandermonde Matrix

The program vander creates a matrix based on a list of coefficients.

Example: {x, y, z} produces the matrix

[ [x^0, x^1, x^2], [y^0, y^1, y^2], [z^0, z^1, z^2] ]

TI-86 Program vander
(125 bytes)

Input “List: “, L1
dimL L1 → N
{N, N} → dimL MA
For(R, 1, N)
For(C, 1, N)
L1(R)^(C-1) → MA(R,C)
Disp “MA=”
Pause MA

Example: {2, 4, 7}
Result: [ [1, 2, 4], [1, 4, 16], [1, 7, 49] ]

Least Square Algorithm

The program LSQ taxes the matrices X and Y (Y is a one-column matrix), and calculates
(X^T X)^-1 (X^T Y).

LSQ is used to fit statistical fits with least squares.

TI-86 Program LSQ
(118 bytes)

Disp “Least Squares”
Input “Matrix X: “,MX
Input “Matrix Y: “,MY
(MX^T * MX)^-1 * (MX^T * MY) → ML
Disp “ML= “
Pause ML

MX = [ [1, 3, 2.0], [1, 4, 2.3], [1, 5, 2.6], [1, 8, 2.9] ]
MY = [ [1.6], [1.8], [2.1], [2.3] ]

ML = [ [-0.14444444449], [-1.666666667E-2], [0.88888888889] ]

Chebyshev Polynomials (1st Kind)

The program tcheby calculates the numerical value of the Chebyshev polynomials of the 1st Kind given its point, X, and the order, N.

TI-86 Program tcheby
(127 bytes)

Prompt X,N
If X>1 : Goto A
If X<-1 :="" b="" goto="" span="">
cos(N * cos⁻¹ X) → A
Goto C
Lbl A
cosh(N * cosh⁻¹ X) → A
Goto C
Lbl B
(-1)^N * cosh(N * cosh⁻¹ X) → A
Lbl C
Disp A

X = -2.5, N = 4, Result: 263.5
X = 0.5, N = 4, Result: -0.5
X = 2.5, N = 4, Result: 263.5


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

App Spotlight: MyScript Calculator 2

App Spotlight: MyScript Calculator 2

App: MyScript 2
Platform: Android, iOS
Android: Free Until February 12, 2019, $2.99 Thereafter
iOS: $2.99

I received an email from MyScript about their newly released MyScript Calculator 2 for Android.

MyScript Calculator 2 is an update to the MyScript calculator. You can see my review for the original version here:

What is in the new version?

* You can display results in decimal (up to 6 decimal places) with one of two settings: truncated or rounded, or you can display answers in simplified fractions (improper or in mixed form)
* The ability to turn on automatic calculation or manual calculation
* You can solve some equations. Caveats: Limited to simple equations (not full quadratic or cubic equations, yet)
* We can drag numbers to copy them in different calculations. Dragging numbers to the blue bar on top of the screen will store them in memory. Stored numbers will be available even if the workspace is cleared. To pick a number for dragging, all you have to do is to press on a number, hold until the number is boxed. At that point, you can drag the box.

Here are some screen shots from Version 2.

Here is a video demonstration of MyScript Calculator 2 by the company:

I thank Giovanni Rodriguez of Marketing for introducing me to MyScript 2.


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Casio fx-3650P: Chebyshev Polynomials, Roots of a Complex Number, Reversion Value, Mach Speed, Trapezoid Perimeter

Casio fx-3650P: Chebyshev Polynomials, Roots of a Complex Number, Reversion Value, Mach Speed, Trapezoid Perimeter

Chebyshev Polynomials of the First Kind

Values of the Chebyshev polynomials can calculated by the following:

T_n (x):

cos (n acos x) if |x| ≤ 1

cosh (n acosh x) if x ≥ 1

(-1)^n cosh (n acosh(-x)) if x ≤ 1

Inputs: x, y (n) order. The program assumes y is an integer.

Program (74 bytes):

? → X : ? → Y : X > 1 ⇒ Goto 1 :
-1 > X ⇒ Goto 2 : cos ( Y cos¹ X ) → A : Goto 3 :
Lbl 1 : cosh ( Y cosh¹ X ) → A : Goto 3
Lbl 2 : (-1)^Y * cosh ( Y cosh¹ X ) → A :
Lbl 3: A



X: -3, Y: 5, Result: -3363
X: 0.3, Y: 5, Result: 0.99888
X: 3, Y: 5, Result: 3363

Roots of a Complex Number

This program calculates the roots of a complex number (x + yi)^a, which is calculated as:

r^(1/n) * ( cos((θ + 2 π k)/n) + i*sin((θ + 2 π k)/n) )

where k = 0 to n-1
r =√(x^2 + y^2)
θ = angle(x + yi) = atan(y/x)

Program (66 bytes):

? → X : ? → Y : ? → A : 0 → M :
Rad : Pol(X,Y) : A x√ X → B :
Y → D : Lbl 1 : M ⊿ Rec(B, (D + 2 π M )/A) ⊿
Y ⊿ 1 M+ : M ≠ A ⇒ Goto 1 : M

The program stops when M = A.


(-2 + 4i)^(1/4)

X: -2, Y: 4, A: 4

(Fix 4 setting)
M: 0, X: 1.2701, Y: 0.7082
M: 1, X: -0.7082, Y: 1.2701
M: 2, X: -1.2701, Y: -0.7082
M: 3, X: 0.7082, Y: -1.2701
M: 4 (end)

Business: Reversion Value


A = n: number of payments
B = I%: periodic interest rate (in decimal)
C = monthly rent
D = asking price

Note: For monthly payments, divide the annual interest rate by 1200.

Program (55 bytes):

Fix 2 : ? → A : ? → B : ? → C : ? → D :
-C (1 + B) ( (1 + B)^A -1 ) ÷ B → X :
X + D (1 + B)^A → X : X

5 years of monthly payments, A = 60
Interest rate, B = 6/1200
Monthly Rate, C = 1895
Asking Price, D = 250000

Result: 204337.26

Roger F. Farish and Elbert B. Greynolds, Jr., Ph.D., CPA Calculator Analysis for Business and Finance Texas Instruments Incorporated 1978 ISBN 0-07-063757-1

Mach Speed

This program calculates the mach speed, a ratio of the speed of sound given:

A = the altitude of the object, such as a vehicle (in feet)
B = temperature (°F)
C = velocity of the vehicle (mph)

Equations used:

Mach Number = velocity of the vehicle / speed of sound

where Speed of Sound = 44100 / 1519 * √( 459.7 + B – 3.57 * A / 1000)

Program (52 bytes):

? → A : ? → B : ? → C :
44100 ÷ 1519 * √ ( 459.7 + B – 3.57 A ÷ 1000 ) → D :
C ÷ D → M

A lapse rate of -3.57° per 1000 ft altitude is assumed.


A: altitude = 2500 ft
B: temperature = 63 °F
C: velocity = 795 mph

mach speed: 1.208091501

Mach Number and Airspeed vs Altitude” Granite Island Group (Technical Surveillance Counter Measures) Retrieved January 26, 2019

Perimeter of a Trapezoid

P + A + B + C * (1/sin X + 1/sin Y)

Program (38 bytes):

Deg : ? → A : ? → B : ? → C : ? → X : ? → Y :
A + B + C ( 1 ÷ sin X + 1 ÷ sin Y )

A = 227.6
B = 305.4
C = 10.5
X = 86°
Y = 5°

Result: 663.999629


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

Casio fx-991 CW: Scientific Constants in Calculations

  Casio fx-991 CW: Scientific Constants in Calculations Obtaining the Scientific Constants I believe we can do this in every mode. ...